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How To Pick Your College Major I’m sort of freaking out because I thought I knew what I wanted my college major to be, but after taking 1st Semester classes I’m having doubts about my decision. I have a few things in mind that might be possibilities but I don’t want to waste my parents’ […]

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Mistakes To Avoid On Your First Day Of Work Hey Travelers! Yesterday, I put my big girl pants on and went to work. My first day of work was a whirlwind of excitement and nervousness, complemented perfectly by orientations with my supervisor, the Human Resources department, and others who hold various positions around the office. […]

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Going To Spain! Today I received a letter saying to pack my bags because I’m going to Spain. In the letter, it told me I was going to be an assistant teacher in an elementary school in a city east of Madrid. I am beyond excited. Woot! Until next time, Chelsea In Case You’ve Missed […]

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Don’t Travel Unprepared

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