Here we get into the nitty-gritty on all things travel and global careers. You can also travel with me and read my thoughts about what it’s like to work overseas.
How To Pick Your College Major I’m sort of freaking out because I thought I knew what I wanted my college major to be, but after taking 1st Semester classes I’m having doubts about my decision. I have a few things in mind that might be possibilities but I don’t want to waste my parents’ […]
Visiting Lexington Market In Baltimore, MD Be a tourist in your own town. No, seriously. I had the pleasure of visiting one of my hometown gems: Lexington Market. This market, one of the longest-running markets in the world is right here in Baltimore. Operating since 1782, Lexington Market serves a delicious smorgasbord of food including […]
Mistakes To Avoid On Your First Day Of Work Hey Travelers! Yesterday, I put my big girl pants on and went to work. My first day of work was a whirlwind of excitement and nervousness, complemented perfectly by orientations with my supervisor, the Human Resources department, and others who hold various positions around the office. […]
Why I’m On The Internet Hey Travelers! If you’re new to this space, welcome! Glad that you are here. Get comfortable, relax…pull up a chair. I’ll explain why I have a blog and YouTube channel. Why am I on the internet? I first started in this corner on the internet, back in 2013, during my […]
Celebrating Small Victories: Using Chopsticks Hey Travelers! Sometimes celebrating small victories, includes feeding yourself. It keeps you going in challenging situations. How I ate before coming to China was second nature. To pick up food all you have to do is stab it with a fork, scoop it with a spoon, or slice it with […]